I don't know...

June 07 2005
What's the point in letting other people know you're hurting? I don't really know how to convey my feelings without worrying that I sound like I'm whining. Like right now. This sounds like whining, doesn't it?


I need to figure out what the lies are and what the truths are about who I am.

Garrett Haynes

June 07 2005
hey nice to see u joined phusebox! I think its alot simpler and easier to use than xanga. And yeah those lyrics are pretty awesome huh? If u want I can burn u a cd or something Ryan Horne is an amazing artist. And he's a local too he graduated from MTSU he's a friend of Josh Carroll's. Well i'll ttyl man. 3 Days till Big Stuf!


June 08 2005
are you going to ignore xanga now?


June 08 2005
i kinda feel the same way about the whole whining thing. like your just telling what happened to you, but you can't help sounding whiney. it's sad... lol

Courtney Caldwell

June 08 2005
I guess your one solitary comment counts for something. ;-) The point is so the person can help you.

Stephanie Levine

June 08 2005
Don't worry if you sound like you're whining. Everybody whines. People would prolly want to hear what's wrong so they can help you out.:) Being happy= Good.

Alex Dawson

June 11 2005
you are who you are, don't listen to what people want you to be like. Be who you are, even if no one understands. look at me on that note :-p


June 13 2005
i hope you had a great time at bigstuf!

Brett Tenpenny

June 14 2005
is this michal from mrs mannings biology class??? brett

Stephanie Levine

June 14 2005
^^^ brett is such a loser. (jk) dude, you so need....a party.once you get back, we shall plan it and you will be mighty happy.


June 14 2005
i think stephanie has a good idea... ^^^^


June 15 2005
hey call me on my cell when you get this (if you get this on thursday the 16th) 5841379

Jane Woodard

June 18 2005
so i can help you feel better!!!!! :)