We are here and now for a reason.

July 01 2005
Ever give much thought about our placement in Earth's time line? I am extremely blessed, as are we all, to be here (The U.S.A, a free country, with many imperfections, but free nonetheless. We aren't persecuted like Christians are in a lot of other parts of the world. As a country, we don't suffer as much from starvation and disease. We have more opportunities than almost anywhere else) and now (We have the easy life because of all of the technological and medical advances.)

But think about how God just doesn't do things haphazardly. Think how evil the days are. Think of all the reasons why a lot of us avoid the news: murder, rape, bombings, death and suffering everywhere. Now think of how the Light of Christ is shining more and more intensely in the youth, in us, and in all who believe in Him. He placed us here in the twilight of the world's life because He wants to use us. He wants to use us to shine His Light in this world that is being consumed by darkness. There is a reason that He personally placed us here. Think about this for a sec (and just replace my name here with yours). Before anything was anything, God was like, "Hmm...okay. I want Michael live in the 20th and 21st century, in the U.S.A. By then my Son will have gone to save them all, but when He comes back Home, the world's gonna keep getting darker. *sigh* Unfortunately, a lot of My kids won't know how much I love them, or that I even love them at all. I want Michael to bear fruit for Me, and tell everyone about My love and how they all have a never ending, joyous story in Me. Oh yeah, and I want to give out invitations for the UBER HUGE PARTY at My Place afterwards."

Okay, so I don't know If I got my point across, so here it is. God is very particular about our placement. He doesn't just randomly throw us on the planet and say, "Yeah, they could do something there for Me, I guess." You are here, and He is here. He doesn't need me or you or any of us, but He chooses to use us anyhow. I just had to tell myself this recently, as God was showing me things: "Would you just stop living for you? Jeez, Michael, look at your selfishness. God has given you everything, and you still want more!" Trust me. What we all need to do is just throw everything aside, slap our hands together and say, "Okay Dad, You take charge. What's up? What do You want me to do? Where do You want me to go? How do You want me to do all this?"

Trust Him. He'll take you wonderful places you've never seen before, if you just let Him drive


July 01 2005
Amen... good stuff.


July 01 2005
you never fail to make me think. :)


July 03 2005
yes we do need to talk sometime. i might see you at church wed. nite.

Courtney Caldwell

July 03 2005
America isn't the only country that is great. There are many others that everyone who is american fails to recognize.


July 03 2005
true that. i over analyze EVERYTHING. i'm like a bundle of nerves when i meet new people. like hmm did they like me? did i make a good first impression? i dunno it angers me. :P

Alex Dawson

July 03 2005
the loudest voise is the one that is always heard, so the things that get on the news are the loudest voice. and remember, jesus said there where people that praised him where there mouth, but there heart was far from them.

the brian king kenobi

July 04 2005
good stuff, man. amen.


July 04 2005
i've looked everywhere and I can't find it....i'm thinkin we're gonna have to settle for something else...i'm sorry. blaaaankkkkkieee!!!!