I Wanna do something...Big...and fruitful...for Christ. Right now!!

June 26 2005
Today was amazing. Our normal Sunday School teachers were handling their son's wedding, so they were out. Instead, we convinced J-Mo and Clint to teach our class. Wow. That was Divine Intervention, I can tell you that. Clint and J-Mo really opened up. I could feel the brokenness and hurting in that room, but I know that Christ was right in the middle of the whole thing. Each person prayed for another person, and I could really feel the power of the Holy Spirit flowing through that room. It was an amazing and uplifting experience.
So now I'm all spiritually amped up and I want to go serve the Lord in a big way. Or just at all. I want to go and pray with everyone and anyone who needs it. I want to go on a mission trip. I want to go door to door right here in the 'Boro and share Christ with the lost and hurting. I want to tell others what God is doing in my life, and I want to ask what He's doing in theirs. I want to hang out with my brothers and sisters in Christ, and talk about deep things, Godly and righteous things. I want to listen to your woes and share your brokenness. I want someone to hold me accountable in my spiritual walk. I want to be in a Bible study group, (which will happen soon) where I can learn about God with my fellow brothers. I want to live my life for the Glory of the Most High God, our Abba.


June 26 2005

Brett Tenpenny

June 26 2005
yeah, that was blink... but green day has their sardonic humor as well.


June 26 2005
next movie night we are soo watching The Brave Little Toaster...oh yea, I found my blankie!!! LOL!!


June 26 2005
i think the main thing that happened there was seeing out i need to escape from the gossip thing, the whole boy-craziness thing, and noticing how many of my friends need to be saved. but i was right everyone and their brother hooked up there. it just seemed to discourage me because i was there thinking that God was going to do something in my life, but instead my whole mind was wrapped around the fact that everyone seemed to be there for the TOTALLY wrong reason. but i CAN say that i'm officially scared of hell. (not that i wasn't before, we just watched a video and WOW)

Brett Tenpenny

June 27 2005
man, i think that it is awesome that someone gets that hyped up about their religion. rock on man.


June 28 2005
i REALLY want to talk to you! grr this stupid computer won't get AIM. :(