Jarrod Dollinger
Mandarin High School
Hopefully Florida State
Alot...Just alot
Favorite Music
Favorite Movies
Donnie Darko, Crash, Titan AE, Treasure Planet, etc.
Favorite Books
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, Dune, Any Tom Clancy Novel
Other Websites
Wow! ANOTHER COMMENT! (dum dum dum)
June 09 2005
Hmmm... What to say? Ummm... I have no idea what thie Tennessee Secession Day thing is all about? (sounds obvious, but still) I beat Halo 2 again out of pure slow draining animosity of living life in apathy. ( I have no idea what that even means) Anyways, I realize more and more that that game has the worst ending ever! Oh well, so I guess that's all I can really say right now. So, I'll leave you to what your doing, and I'll enjoy my cold refreshing dew.
the brian king kenobi
June 09 2005
tennessee secession day . . . we were bored and decided to celebrate a random holiday.
that lotr thing is hilarious.
and if you're terribly bored, we could get a big group together for starbucks or something sometime.
June 09 2005
yeah...i meant my phusebox when i said my site. tee hee. and i thing the lotr thing is realllllly funny.
cole brown
June 09 2005
hey hey! i found your phuse box thing so i thought i would say hi. i saw u at chuch last night but i didnt get to say anything. soo i hope that your having a wonderful day and ill see u later. ps- i was born in jacksonville, fl..thats pretty cool =]
cole brown
June 09 2005
no i didnt get to meet u at church on wed. but ill introduce myself next week if your there..
June 10 2005
hey! sooo i kindof met u @ church on wed! i was sitting w/ jamie & rachel...rach is my twin sis by the way! but anyways...my name's amy...so hey! i'll ttyl! hope ur enjoying m'boro so far!
June 10 2005
JARROD!!! yay you have a phusebox!! well sorry if the first impression was bad, i wasn't feel very well wednesday night. but have a great rest of the summer!!