
May 16 2007

It turns out that I like the piano more and more that I use it. I've been reproducing Megaman 4 songs (ya, know, from the oldschool NES ... emulator). I have most of Dr. Cossack's levels melody down. I just need the beat and bass. What I've been doing is I listen on the computer, reproduce the notes and order on the keyboard, then program the notes in time on the computer in Fruity Loops 3.

So far I suck at composing original music, but I think that might change after I actually pick up the system in my head. By system, I mean how the keyboard has tons of notes in an orderly, ascending pattern. For some reason, I haven't been able to pick it up. Familiarize. Initialize. Integrate. Become.

I got a latin book from the library, as well as a copy of the Koran (Qu`ran). And e-Sword allows me to have a nice compilation of... what?... like a dozen Bibles? Sweet! German, Greek Septuagint (sp?), Vulgate, ESV, KJV, ... pretty much all I could need.

... and I feel like I am Solomon. Could I even imagine telling myself two years ago I'd seriously consider an agnostic (or any non-Christian) for romance? I may not have treaties with other nations, but I am looking desperate, aren't I? Either way, I was fairly disinterested before... but earlier today romantic poetry spewed forth from my digits. What the heck? Rational Wisdom, depart not. I love thee more than the follies of this world. ... I think. >_>

I am also taking a summer class. The first three lectures were on worshiping the Science god, or rather... "SCIENCE IS AWESOME. EVERYONE SHOULD DO IT." But focuses too much on empiricism for my tastes. Maybe I need a balance. Or maybe I will be glad this class only lasts 6 weeks. 10 page research paper and an 8 page experiment proposal. Not fun.