I wonder what is the source

April 23 2007

I have been writing quite a lot lately. Mainly posted on xanga or my geocities account, I have lots of poetry and short stories and I keep... writing more. It is crazy. I just start walking and my mind acts like a narrator, adding intricate details to things I didn't even see happen. He gives reasons for why it happened, or reflections of some conjured irony.

Meanwhile, I'm still single and that's okay. There's this Rational though. She reminds me of Daria, except a theist. Although, I'm not sure if she is a Christian -- her roommates are Christians -- because I didn't ask her. I like her laugh and composure.

I like to climb things. It almost got me killed this evening, though, because I climbed a tall buildin, and got on its thin roof with a 35+ft. drop to some pavement. Go me. Praise God.

Daniel 4 has this really cool passage from like... verses 33 through 36 or something. Powerful. Moving. The confession of a man whose sanity was lost but was restored.

I get tested for the yellow belt in Hapkido a week from tonight. crazy.

Jonathan Wood

April 24 2007
Good luck, man! Keep your hands up and your head down.

Pricilla Bostwick

April 24 2007
post some of your work on here.....