She was right, and I'm not safe

February 06 2007

I was right, but I was wrong.
She was right, but she was wrong.
We were both wrong, and both right.
Love is a choice. And you can't just turn off love.

A little more than a month ago, when she broke it to me, I felt like puking for a day and a half. I never shed a tear, for all my tears for her were shed on the night of August 13th, 2006. After the day of stomach ache had passed, I was fine. Everyhing was dandy. And so it has been, generally, since then.

But as always, there is a remnant that always remains. For when you give your heart, whatever you give, you can't get all of it back. So, you can't just turn off love. I still care for her more than I do most of my friends, but not out of romance. Meh. At least I can get to sleep at night in a timely manner, unlike back in July last year.

And the weird thing is, she is gonna read this.

But I won't go into more detail, really. Because I want to patch things up. I want to move on romantically and find someone else. I met this really cute INFJ, named Jessica. English Major, works at the library. I'ma ask her out. I was about to ask her this evening, but she wasn't there.

And it is hilarious, because on the way to where I expected her to be, my mind froze and my mouth got dry. Anything rehearsed was totally lost. Hah! This reminded me to say to myself, "Jon, just shut up. Don't think of anything elaborate beforehand. It won't be natural and it will be lamer than lame. Just dive in when you get there."

I got like 6 CDs (or rather, 2 double-discs, 3 cds, and a cd for my mom) for a little more than 37 bucks. Sweet deal for new CDs, eh? This is including shipping and handling.

I also bought a water filter and boots today. Yay.

Jonathan Wood

February 06 2007
Congratulations on the purchases, condolences on the girl, good luck with the next. Talk to you later, bro.