
December 10 2006

My room is a mess.

I am not worried about my exams.

I am bothered by my papers -- a 4-6 page (REL140) that I haven't started and a 8-10 page (ENG201) that is worth 20% of my grade.

Händel's Messiah is good listenin'.

Meanwhile, I saw this really, really beautiful girl at the library. Amazing. She works at National City, a bank I frequent. She was studying, perhaps with a tutor -- thus I didn't bother her. But I was so tempted to.

I have a coupon that needs to be used by 12/31/06 for Coldstone. Girls normally like ice cream. I am not going to eat alone, and I don't think I want to eat ice cream with a guy. So it would naturally make sense to ask a girl.

Here is an example of how I started to bother to make an attempt. Scene: A lit hallway outside of the enterance to the library. A girl sits on the bench, quite nice lookin'. I am sitting on the other bench. She looks at her notes, my thoughts include, "She is probably waiting for someone. But if she isn't then I can still try."

"What are you waiting for?" I ask.
She points, "Him."

As he started to pass me, I was almost immediately convinced he was a loser. From what I could tell, he seemed like he was an extroverted feeler. Out of sympathy (but more coutesy and trying to hide my attempt to rock), I smiled and went back to my paper that I was critiquing. Thinking, "eh...I knew it."


Jonathan Wood

December 11 2006
So is he a loser because he's an EF or something else? Bloody cocky IT...