God Speak!

October 01 2005
1 Praise the LORD! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty expanse. 2 Praise Him for His mighty deeds; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness. 3 Praise Him with trumpet sound; Praise Him with harp and lyre. 4 Praise Him with timbrel and dancing; Praise Him with stringed instruments and pipe. 5 Praise Him with loud cymbals; Praise Him with resounding cymbals. 6 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!

God works in some cool and powerful ways but we have to open our eyes and understand what he is saying! As I was listening to a cd I felt a little tug to what I want to do with my life. The cd I am listening to is a praise and worship cd that people recording featuring kids. To hear them lift up their voices to Jesus that really confirmed my purpose in life. I have always felt that God was tugging at my heart to leading worship with my age people or even children’s ministry. God has really confirmed that’s what I am supposed to do over the past week. First, I had a hunch because of One Club and the opportunities he has open there. I can’t wait to see what God has for me next! I will never know if I don’t tune it to Christ and let him show me. It can’t be all about me but all about Him. God has given me talents and why I am not using them to further the kingdom. My favorite verse in the bible is Psalm 150, and verse 6 especially. That verse pretty much sums up what heaven is going to be like! Everything that has breath will join together and sing to the one who is holy and just. I once heard a person asking a lady. What do people like rapper, rockers, etc. Who do they sing to? And the lady thought for a moment and said they sing for themselves and for enjoyment! So let me ask you a question: Who do you worship? God has really been teaching a lot over this last week. And that question is one of them do I lead worship at one club to make myself look good or am I doing it to further the kingdom. I have to admit sometimes I do in for me and God is getting on me that I need to be totally focused when I go in. Another question that came to mine why I am writing is, “ Why are we so worshipful on Wednesday Night in Diversion, but when we get to school we are complete buttholes to our peers.” God has really showed me that even that my teachers might not to be nice to me that I need to show them Christ love. Because that might I might be the only light they see. This week is fall break for me and I am really hoping to dig deeper! God is such an awesome God. So yea God showed himself to me tonight. Pray for me that I will seek God’s will and the decisions that might come along with that.