True Treasure

July 21 2005
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name

On Christ the solid Rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand

Last night that video we showed really did make me think. well it all started yesterday when i was looking at the video before wednesday night and i just felt someone saying don't watch it till showtime. so i put it up and didn't watch it till diversion that night. so yea it really did make me ponder what am i builing my life on. am i building my life on something that will last or something that won't. Bro. Dean's words from a sermon series he did in january about giving, "where are you storing up your riches in the storehouse on earth or in the storehouse in heaven." So many times we just need to sit back and examine ourselves where are you storing your "treasures". When you look before God at the judgement seat what is God going to say to you?? i know that might sound weird but i just thought i would throw that out. Let me know what you think -stephen

kelsey shearron

July 22 2005
cool stuff stephen...can you give me all the details about the trip..?