
April 29 2006

What if you never got a chance to see me ever again? What if I died tonight?

Would you come to my funeral?

Would you cry?

Would you forget me?

Would you bring me flowers?

How would you respond?

What would be going through your head?

Would you regret anything you said to me?

Would you regret anything you didn't say to me?

What would be your last memory of me?

What would you remember me by?


Brandon Ray

April 29 2006
almost everything but cry...I just don't cry man...


May 01 2006
dude, these kinds of thoughts are depressing. went to church in Indy w/my bro Sunday, and the pastor was talking about a 7yr old in their church that lost a 2yr battle w/cancer. you're loved, man...people will miss you and will cry.