
August 17 2005
so please pray for my grandmother cause she had surgery {knee replacement} on monday, and while she is ok...she is having a hard time getting back to herself...eating, nausea, and some other unmentionables that goes along w/ lengthy hospital stays are some problems at the moment...and her physical therapy is insane...

pray for my mom cause she is spending every waking moment (she isnt working) at the hospital. and its taking a tole on her mentally, just seeing her mother in that much pain when there is nothing she can do to ease it.

pray for me cause im having to try to keep things together and have a job and go to school...i asked my boss if saturday could be my last day and he said no...so, i dont know...but yeah...

Matt Beard

August 19 2005
i'll remember to keep them in my prayers. keep my granddad in yours if you could. they just found cancer in his lungs.

Brett Tenpenny

August 19 2005
if i prayed, id pray for you... i just cant find the time.