easter egg hunting!

April 16 2006
so, happy easter to you all!!!

we went to church and had the typical easter lunch...that was pretty cool...

john came for lunch cause he didnt go home (cause he's a bad son)...so my mom invited him over

and we had an easter egg hunt (the pictures) and our easter eggs were full of money...which was smart cause my mom spent much less money on cash than she would have on candy and baskets and so on and so forth...so yeah, that was my easter, it was cool i guess...except that i felt like i had two brothers picking on me instead of one...


April 16 2006
<font color ="pink"><font size ="4">oh wow, i wish i had MONEY in my eggs instead of candy. lol. but candy is always nice, but yeah, money. lol. =] glad ya'll had a good easter. &hearts;</font>

Chad Fisher

April 16 2006
That sounds fun. Hope you had a good one. Happy Easter!!