Rachael Moore


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guess you got to run sometimes...

May 30 2005
i had to get out of my house today... yet another drive down my favorite road, making frequent stops to take pictures---that is until a giant red bug would fly at me... or if a peacock would randomly come out from nowhere and scare me. i guess eventually i am gonna have to find a new road because i will run out of shots.....i think i found my own "therapy" (no, this is not a me ditching God guys! i just simply like to take pictures---it makes me happy), and if it is rainy outside there is always chocolate milk, starwberry cake, or chocolate chip cookies.

a week....


tomorrow i will be working on the same things that i did today... stupid lap top is all i got to say about that... i know, i need a mac

now i get to spend some time with my buddy Jesus. so i hope everyonehas great night!