Rachael Moore


Relationship Status


but that's "junk"... umm not so much

July 17 2005
amber was so kind to go with me to take pictures today! it was a lot of fun...that is until we had some complications. and i will leave it at that. but a word of warning to people that enjoy photography: some people just don't understand art...and some people don't like young people, and some people don't like you being in their town unless you are from there. just a warning...

photo from rachael

but i did get some pictures...check them out in my photo box if you want.

oh and i must say that the message today really just slapped me in the face. if you read my previous post and realized the underlying emotion in it then perhaps you would understand why i loved and needed to hear the this morning. i just laugh at my foolishness sometimes. i am extremely thankful that even when i am faithless, God is faithful.

but i am going to be meeting up with my lovely friend lauren in a little bit. but i hope everyone is having a great day!


July 17 2005
Rachael, you are such an awesome photographer! And I love you too!

kelsey shearron

July 17 2005
cool stuff!..hope your havin a great day..-kels

Hope Anderson

July 17 2005
cool pics. i love pictures too :) anyways... hehe... Momma Rachael... awe... i like it! or maybe.. Momma Ray. tihe. hope you had fun w/ Lauren... and it's awesome how God speaks to us when we least expect it. ~Hope


July 17 2005
lol i had fun tonight! with our perky waitress and attempts to matchmake! you are one cool girl rachael! the pictures look fab. you should have taken a picture w/ that lady. maybe she just wanted attention?

Nathan Moore

July 17 2005
great photos.


July 18 2005
hey i hope you had an amazing weekend! i'm glad God spoke through dean yesterday when you needed it...He always seems to do that doesn't He haha...i wonder why...oh yeah that's right...He's God! haha i love that! :o)