Rachael Moore


Relationship Status


just a little somethin

July 07 2005
i really feel like i want to post something, yet i have nothing to say...which if you could take one minute to be like a super hero or something then you could possibly read my mind and tell that i had a lot going on up there...too much thought for me equals no words to express that... at least a lot of the time anyways...

so bj, becca, and i went to marble slab and then to her house to watch 'big fish' tonight. from what i did see of the movie it was good...i missed the last thirty minutes, but oh well. the reasons were worth it and i can just borrow it or rent it.

i really feel God pressing the power of prayer upon my heart. i know i have to be a prayer warrior because that is all i can be and can do sometimes. God is blessing me with such meaningful and healing relationships right now. first, for the past few months i have had an opportuntity to get close to the moore family. i enjoy every moment that i am around them. they each have blessed, encouraged, and inspired me in ways they will never know. it is so refreshing and inspiring to be around a godly family. and especailly nathan, who means more to me than i could ever epxress in words. he has challenged me in huge ways and sets an awesome example of a man of God. i have also had the chance to talk to clint and rachel. both awesome leaders and have given me great advice during the recent 'bumps' i have experienced. also, i have been able to spend time with some of the youth. i love you guys! (and i am not mentioning all the names of youth b/c i am tired and don't want to leave anyone out) that may of seemed off subject, but it all flows together...along with the power of prayer being pressed upon my heart, i feel i am entering a time of healing. healing from insecurities and past hurts. i feel so blessed to have a Father that loves me enough to want to work through all the junk in my heart so that i can be a better tool for him. may it all be for his glory. sometimes i feel sad and lost, but i know i am in his hands. he will never let me out of his sight.

but now that i have rambled away i am going to bed. i hope everyone has a great night!


July 08 2005
Yay for an awesome God and Godly friends!


July 08 2005
That's awesome... I've been praying more too. God is so good about giving us some awesome friendships when we need them the most. I have loved getting to know you better lately and hope that our relationship will continue to blossom.

Bethany Bratcher

July 08 2005
I am so glad you have been hanging out with my family and I had a great time talking to you on the way to Ohio. You are great-even if you are a picky eater! Haha. You can still come over and hang out...I know it's not the same, but the invitation is open. Looking forward to seeing how God works.


July 08 2005
i admire you sooo much rachael! i love hearing about everything God is doing in your life b/c it's such an inspiration! glory to Him for the friendships we both have! i dunno where i'd be w/o mine either!

Hope Anderson

July 08 2005
awe.... the last part touched me... now you went and made me cry! anyways... God's awesome... and i just love to hear about and see him work in and through others :) ~Hope