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Siegel High

John Reuben

June 21 2005

his new cd comes out today. i've already heard it, and it is amazing. definitely his best. and it really seems to parallel a lot going on in my life right now. [and for you Relient K fans, the single "Nuisance" features Matt Thiesson]
you can hear two tracks on purevolume [here]

batman begins
tomorrow 12:45
big theater
be there
or i'll be very sad

Jane Woodard

June 21 2005
how sad? :-p


June 21 2005
*blinks* I have one of his CDs... I don't like it. He's a weird little "Christian" rapper.

Stephanie Levine

June 21 2005
^^^ Christian rapper? Wow, that sounds interesting... maybe. I would really hate to make you sad.

Nathan Moore

June 21 2005
i have waiting for this album to come out... but it never showed up on iTunes today. sad. i guess i will have to be old-timey and buy it at a store.

Jessica Goss

June 21 2005
I'm fairly certain I have to work. Hmm...maybe, maybe not. I don't remember. We'll see.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

June 21 2005
I cant :(