Meagan Wright


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January 25 2006

With two days like my two most recent, who needs any added drama?!?!

It has been a wild ride for me these past two days. Spent yesterday afternoon in the ER due to some severe chest pain and a case of the "I can't breathes" After nearly 4 hours of testing they sent me home saying something definatley caused it and its worth looking into but they knew it wasn't a heart attack and it wasn't something obvious. So here we go again down the road of 'investigative/diagnostic testing'. Yeeha. I'm set up to have an echo-cardiogram of my heart and a MRI of my brain to investigate my vision impairment. We shall see how that all goes. But as of today besides some general weakness and fatigue (probably from the blood they borrowed from me and forgot to give back) I'm feeling okay. I had a support group there with me which made things much better. And we found just how handy having someone with radios of the police variety can be. Michael was able to meet me at the hospital and know what was going on so that no one was too panicked!

It was not my choice of ways to spend the afternoon but better to know where I stand and face it head on than be caught unaware after its too late.

Today on a lighter note has been over all pretty good. I took a 'mental health/recovery' day from classes (all two of them) and enjoyed my day running around with my prince charming and his sidekick. We enjoyed a lunch at Toot's and then some time spent on his most recent car project! ;) Go figure right? Then after church and a wonderful choir practice I took cuteness back to rescue where his car was sans "eyes." Then. . .

On the way home I witnessed what I'll call a 'road rage' incident and somehow wound up the only eyewitness, made some connections with MPD and sat in the back of a patrol car!!! What an accomplishment, huh?

Anyway that has been my day, I'm now looking forward to completing my current stats section way ahead of schedule, picking up my apartment and getting a good night's sleep before another work day tomorrow (hopefully sans the trip to the ER). Anyway more later ~MEW

Carla Simpson

January 27 2006
what is this about road rage and sitting in the back of a patrol car?!