margo chen


that's life

August 24 2006

when coming close to the age of 30, looking back, i found that life has its own patterns.

as  little kids, we harbour ambious dreams which make life more colourful because they are the expecting hopes in our deep hearts; when growing up, life becomes a little grey due to more and more failures are encountered. looking back those beatiful dreams, someone may sneer while some may continue to look for the traces of hopes.

in my life, i did face some failures which had made me discouraged and nearly destroyed my dreams. luckily, before i totally surrender before life, life gives me hopes by endowing me some good friends who have enouraged me and strengthened me during those dark days. life, sometimes we feel so weak and helpless before its inscrutable characters and immovable might. almost every step we need strength and help. who could be the source of help and strength? all the friends will leave you. someone say that summer is the time for saying goodbye. It is true. when finished college, i began to learn what is goodbye by seeing my dear teacher Flight off in the airport. No tears when he hugged me until i saw his plane was flying in the sky. i was really so young at that time that i didn't realize that he is old and this may be the last time i could see him. Still arguing with him that i will see him again in his hometown soon by taking TOFEL but failed then to know that his efforts to come to fuzhou again was stopped due to his severe sickness. Flight, he had gone forever! See u in the heaven. Almost 10 ten years passed, i still could remember the days with him, especially when encountering difficulties, when trying to seek for some advice. Now Grace, Flight all had left our English Bible Study, leaving me there, facing all kinds of different new comers, i began to grow up gradually. no more indulgence because they are not there. but life still goes on. new younths like me came here, but no patience like Grace or wisdom like Flight any more, even i tried to recover their spirit in our Fellowship.

Life sometimes could be very cruel. sometimes you see something you like and in the distance, trying to seize it, catch it, but realize that something in the life has prevented u doing so. every one has the same span of life, lasting for 70 or 80 years, which warns us that we could not seize everything in the life. Sometimes we have to learn to lose or abnegate even though it represents some sacfrices or pains;while sometimes fortunately we will gain something, giving praise to God, because it is a gift from HIM.