March 10 2006

God is soooo incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there are absolutely no words to describe Him!!!!!!! He is soooo big and we are so small compared to Him! just think....He can hold all the water in the world in the palm of His hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! does that not just absolutely blow your mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He loved us soo much that He sent His ONLY son to die for us-all of us!...even for the people who didn't love Him, so that one day we might choose to have a relationship with Him! He wants to be best friends with us! Yall it just absolutely blows my mind! i can't even begin to fathom everything about Him! He has always been here! There was never a place where He started! and He will always be here!!!!! there is never an end! if you try to think about it, you just can't! your brain is just to "earthly" to even think about Him!! and everything that happens to you happens for a reason!  when something happens to you that you don't necessarily like or enjoy, just think about how he already has your whoooole life planned out for you! isn't that amazing?! he knows exactly what is going to happen every single aspect of your life down to the smallest detail! He wanted  to have a relationship with you soooooo much that He sent His ONLY son to DIE for you!!!!!!!! it's amazing how much He loves you! He even loves you more than your parents!!!!! He wants you to have a relationship with Him and loves you soooooooo much!!!!!! It makes me soo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God is THE incredible God....there aren't any words in any language to describe Him!

kaitlin gay

March 10 2006
mm.. starbucks conversations are amazing!

kaitlin gay

March 10 2006
you are so silly with making those groups.. you make me laugh =)

kaitlin gay

March 10 2006
you're a dork.. but i love you more than the whole world!

Chelsea Turner

March 11 2006

lindsey mapes

March 11 2006
god is more than amazing he is.....well.. i don't even think that there is a good word to describe him. the feeling is not one you can describe. i love you kate!!! ttyl <3 always, lindsey ann!!