
February 19 2006

 I started really listening to everyone around me and how they talk and what manner that they talk in. I saw what a positive attitude is like-very pleasant. But i also saw what a negative attitude was like-not to pleasant. Then I really started thinking about everything that I say and how it comes out. Do people really pay attention to the things I say and how I say them? Absolutely! Everything you say is being listened to by everyone around you. That's why you should always have a great example with the things that you say! "But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."--Matthew12:36&37 Usually what people say is a reflection of who they are and what is inside of them. We have to choose our words carefully because the words that you say affect other's opinions of you. All the things that we say need to be glorifying God. "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord my Rock and my Salvation."--Psalm 19:14 All the negative things that we say are worthless. They only cause us trouble. "Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful."--2 Timothy 2:23&24 All of this said, your words and your speech leave an example. Therefore, your speech should be pure and encouraging. "From the fruit of his lips a man is filled with good things as surely as the work of his hands rewards him."--Proverbs 12:14 Challenge: try to go a whole day without saying anything negative.

Be Blessed 

kaitlin gay

February 19 2006
i have a friend going through that right now, incredible. not only our speech, but our actions reflect who we our and <u>our Savior</u>. by saying negative things or having negative actions-we blow our witness. great entry, baby girl! i love you so much--hope that you have had a wonderful weekend!! im praying for you, love. stay strong =) &hearts;kaitlin

Chelsea Turner

February 20 2006
KATE I LOVE YOU MUCHO MUCH!!! YOU ARE MY HERO!! thanks for being you! your so RAD!- your friend chels

kaitlin gay

February 20 2006
oh my oh my.. you made a group just for me--haha.. thank you very much! you are quite amazing yourself!! =)

lindsey mapes

February 21 2006
i love your entry!! as a matter of fact. i'm going to take you up on your challange. and i'm going to raise the bar a little bit. i'll try to go a full week! yes that's right 1 whole week! but i need u to do it with me! i challenge ne one else reading this to do the challange too. just pray about it . it is very possible. kk luv u gurlie! lindsey


February 21 2006
Thanx 4 the remark i need it!