Ashleigh Glaze


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In A Relationship



Favorite Movies

All of them

Favorite Books

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March 14 2006

Hey you guys

Its me the sexy and loveable ashleigh.Well my friend amber got me onto this site and its pretty cool. Thanks Am-bear , haha love that name. Wel as most of you know I'm dateing this uber cool guy named adler. I really like  this kid. eve though we are uber close friends but I like him lol So Peace and happiness  

Garrett Haynes

March 14 2006
Hey ashleigh! Glad that your on phusebox! It's so much better than xanga and myspace and all those other ones....well i'll c ya in 1st and 3rd period! ~Garrett

Jessica Byrd

March 15 2006
ahahha i'm in that picture.