
January 10 2006
So... Im here... I've been on 4 planes today and 5 different flights, in the air for 14 hours, in 5 different airports and now im finally resting on a couch in the BCM that's about 2 feet too short...

At the moment i can barely concentrate to type these words, so if they are a little nonsensical, nevermind... but i wanted to write and say that i got here.

All is well at the moment. Les and I are both a little overwhelmed by everything. After all, it has been an emotionally traumatic day! But, God is faithful!

It's times like this when I find awesome peace in the fact that this life is not about me. I took a short glance at the sunrise as Tracie was taking me to the airport this morning and He settled my heart with that thought.

I love you guys and i covet your prayers!
All In...


January 10 2006
love you bo.......and your welcome for the visit at the airport today...you DUTCH!!!! aint hawaii nice?

Ryan Conley

January 10 2006
Glad to know to you arrived safely, my prayers are with you. How's the weather is my first question lol

Jason Thacker

January 10 2006
I miss you already...my prayers are with you bro

Garrett Haynes

January 10 2006
well that is discouraging! I hope that your travel plans go better in the future. Say aloha to the people of Hawaii for me! You r in my prayers. ~Garrett

Joy Fanguy

January 10 2006
I'm glad you made it safely. I hope you get settled in quickly. Tell Les I love her.


January 10 2006
i echo jason's remark...you're in my prayers