Advanced Infectious Mononucleosis

September 16 2005
Has anyone ever had mono? Well this week I am so fortunate to have been diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis. a.k.a. "The Kissing Disease," and for those of your wondering, I have not been going around kissing people. You know, I have always wondered about this disease and that they all hype up how contageous it is through the mouth and saliva, but you know what? It has to start somewhere! What initially causes mono? Any of you actually pay attention in health class? I didn't, and I am certainly paying for it. I went to the store today and bought about $30 worth of juices, yogurt and jello. I hate that my throat was so swollen that it was too painful to force down any solid food. Let me tell you ladies and gentlemen, I don't know how I got this for sure, but be weary of who you kiss and who you drink after. Because I am in it for the looooong hall!

Nathan Moore

September 16 2005
yeah... i had mono back and high school - probably one of the worst months of my life. good luck fighting it off...

Ami Bumpus

September 27 2005
so i hear you left H'burg?? we miss you....get better soon!!!!

l a u r e n b e a s l e y.

November 02 2005
hi person with my last name Ü

l a u r e n b e a s l e y.

November 03 2005
ok so maybe you did. heh.