Smile- It makes every mile worth your while.

November 14 2005

-Mary Lauren

So much has happened since we last met- Went to the mall with Megan,  played Worst Case Scenario (the board game) with Andrea, Matt, Alex, and Jeff on saturday, and went to church with Lisa TWICE yesterday (count em 1,2!). I love Believers' Chapel and I want to go back soon! I have also discovered that dancing to car alarms is fun. I think Alex and Matt also discovered how to have a little too much fun at Marble Slab sunday night- Exhibit A...

Boys acting stupid...ahh the priceless moments...

Edit- All-State + auditioning at 8:33 on Saturday morning = SHEESH!.. and guess what musical we're doing...DUN DUN DA DUN- WEST SIDE STORY!!!

Ben Moser

November 15 2005
great photo!

courtney kelley

November 16 2005
lol, that was sooo much fun. I have no idea what got into me.. lol. HAVE A GREAT WEEK!! God bless.

l a u r e n b e a s l e y.

November 17 2005
hahahhaha i wish that was my house.. i had to volunteer there the other day to cook with Chefs.. werd.

Christina Ruth

November 19 2005
Mary Lauren is the sunshine that brightens my day!