
August 08 2005
So I've been home from you all for what seems like quite a while now. I've wanted to write and tell you all that you meant more to me in two short weeks than most have meant to me in years of frindship, but there haven't been words or passion or any of the stuff that makes writing worthwhile.

I know God spoke to me (or His voice was at least amplified) through each friend I made, each jogger I saw in Central Park, each strange set of eyes I looked upon in the subway, but He has yet to really reveal what the words were that He spoke.

I am restless.

I am tearful.

I am searching for what is in front of my face.

Nevertheless, I thank you all for being real humans and realizing that your humanity is not separate from your Christianity; that in fact, it is inextricably intertwined. In that you showed more of the Father to me in one day than I see in countless days at times.

You are amazing and I hope the distance between us is lessened each day through Christ.

With utter gratitude...

Maria Haun

August 09 2005
Giraffe! I miss you bunches! Yesterday we were playing Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture and there was a guy on there who looked like you...just about 50 years older though. God truly used you to open my eyes to some things that I was holding on so tightly to. I love ya and wish you were still here.

Nathan Moore

August 09 2005
haha... yeah. maria is right. he did look like you. thanks for all your help during PTT!