Jessica Jo


My God

February 17 2007

You consume all of my thoughts, fears, hopes, dreams, and heart. I turn to You with a heart full of longing and love for You. I cry because I am so overwhelmed by how much You truly love me and by how truly grateful I am that You have my entire heart. I can't even wrap my mind around the grace that you so freely give to those who seek it and You. You loved me so much, that even though you knew I would sin, You still died for me. I don't deserve You in my life and never will. I praise you with my lips and heart and only wish to be the daughter You would have me to be. Use me Father and please always help me to seek You in everything I do. I worship You Father....

Randy Lewis

February 17 2007

Becca Hicks

February 19 2007
i love you girl! =] it was SO good getting to see you today..even if we couldn't talk. we should hang out soon.<br><br><br>&hearts; you!<br> [becca]