Jessica Jo


HAHA. Life can be completely funny...

December 30 2006

Life has been very very busy..........I can't believe how fast the days are going by. SLOW DOWN!!

When I'm not babysitting my nieces, I work, and then I've been helping the Amirian family move into their new apartment and as soon as work ends tonight I'm heading back over there. haha. Alicia and I feel very strong...we lifted really really heavy things and I actually feel good that I'm actually mechanical enough to know how to take apart and put things back together. The entire time Alicia was singing "Muscle muscle Woman!" and "Love is a Battlefield." And when we were taking Ali's twin mattress from the upstairs to the downstairs I got the bright idea to ride it down the stairs......haha. "ssshhh. don't tell her mother* It was so much fun..we did it twice.

haha...Muscle women....yeah......right

Jamie Crabtree

December 30 2006
I love Pat Benatar. She's amazing, and of course you are a muscle woman. What woman in this day and age isn't?


December 30 2006
ha ha that sounds like fun riding a matress down stairs I got in a trash can and rold my self down a big hill that must be kinda like a mattress right? I did that twice ha ha with my friends what fun