Jessica Jo



May 26 2006

I've met someone. How does a person know when they are ready to start dating again?


May 26 2006
when they are ready to what..??wait..nonono, this isn't going in the direction i think so is it?? *gasp* JESSICA!?!?


May 26 2006
that's exactly what i thought...AFTER THAT WHOLE BIG SPEACH YOU GAVE ME AND EVERYTHING! wow, im thinking someone VERY special has come along..

Jeana Lewis

May 27 2006
There is no such thing as a relationship without risk. You have to decide if you're willing to risk getting hurt again. If not, you're not ready. If the answer is yes, you probably are. :o)


May 27 2006
i agree with miss jeana!

Becca Hicks

May 28 2006
so..umm..why don't i know about this guy yet? i mean, i know we haven't been able to talk or whatever...but seriously!! j/k. love you, and i hope to hang out with you one day before you go off to college!