

Relationship Status

In A Relationship


Cy-Fair High School


September 29 2005
alright so i guess i just decided i'll go ahead and just keep 2 journals. so today was alright i guess. i just woke up so i might have a memory issue with most of the stuff. im not even gonna bother with catching yall up with recent stuff cuz i cant even really remember most of it. hurricane, big deal. then monday evening i went to see exorcism of emily rose and we went out to eat. was fun. tuesday i went shooting skeet and i worked all of sunday, monday, and tuesday.

alright so i woke up this morning, got kolaches (i had a craving the night before and decided to do that) luckily it stopped raining cuz if it wouldnt have i would have stayed in my bed and slept. i got to school, and did my pre cal homework.
government-we went over amendments and random stuff about government *shrugs* im glad im in on level
english-we had a group discussion about our book and then we read the rest of the class
pre cal- we reviewed for our test tomorrow
physics- we went over homework and then discussed a lab we'll be doing tomorrow and we have to have our pre lab done to even get in the door
gym-i had to run an errand for the coach to the AP's office and then we went out to the track. i talked to a bunch of people and then we went to the gym to have free day
drafting-we drew a template and i goofed off with stephanie and patrick

i dont understand why when i had originally offered to give anthony rides home on tuesday and thursday he was like "really? alright, cool" and now everytime im like, i'll give you a ride home and hes like "no thats ok" he doesnt even give me a reason. he can at least be like "i know you offered before and thats nice of you but i honestly have a much better time on a hot stinky bus with my friends than i do when im with you so id really rather not be stuck in a car with you, please dont take it personally" instead of just "no" and then hurrying off to go talk to her.

ive been getting more emails from presto:-) and this weekend im going to my dads house:-( hes not having any luck with finding a job thinking if he doesnt soon hes gonna be selling his house. and i dont wanna go back to an apartment with him. i hated being in an apartment when he was in one. then saturday me and anthony are going up to the turkey shoot and im gonna be shooting and so with anthony. it shall be fun, im excited. i just got bit by a mosquito:-( im gonna go now, bye


September 29 2005 omitted parts on your myspace. =P I win! ^^ And yeah, I'd hate to go to an apartment x_X eck.


October 04 2005
1. I'll respond with something random about you. I miss our thursdays. ='( 2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you. Uhh...not a clue. -.-;; 3. I'll pick a dish I would prepare for you! hmm...chicken something o.O dunno why-i just would =P 4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me. Adam's peach-fuzz hair was soooooo funny! =P (well, jobie understands it too...but yeah...) 5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you. Sitting next to you in 9th grade in spanish 2 6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of. o.O a cat? i dunno. 7. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you. Answer the question in a comment. Why did you go out w/ him again?!?!? hmm...