well im here!!!

August 24 2005
my friend made me do this....so..i dont have much to say...

..i have a livejournal, and a myspace, and AIM, and a facebook profile...you get the idea!

i just got back from Spain where i spent all summer studying abroad..

my left leg is made of titanium! i was in a car accident/coma/on life support in december 2004 but im ALIVE! (God is good like that)

im really bored tonight!!!!

Jenny Nicholson

August 24 2005
what friend made you do this? huh? that must be one awesome friend you have!

Maria Haun

August 25 2005
i'm glad that you are a part of phusebox! and the friend who made you do this is awesome!

Nathan Moore

August 28 2005
Welcome to PhuseBox, man.