
June 29 2005
I have had school on my mind lately. Mostly because I have been doing my stupid summer work. Let's see, I had read two of the 3 books for Adv. Hon. English II. The one I just started today is Silas Marner. I am on page 5 and it sucks so bad I don't want to read on. And I have started my Adv. Hon. Algebra II work. It is so hard. Most of it I have no idea how to do or have never seen it in my life! Lana doesn't even know how to do it, which isn't much of a surprise to me. I can already tell that Algebra is going to be my hardest and worst class next year. Why is it that my math classes are most dramatic for me? I know I am going to have many nights crying over homework, just like last year and the year before. What a surprise! I mean, I make A's in math and I can do it. But I feel that it is really hard and I jsut plain hate it. At this point on I really won't be using any of the math I learn. Why can't we learn math and sciences up to a certain need point and then take classes that will prepare us for what we want to be. I mean a UN field officer in Africa will not need to know the consecutive odd interger sides of a triangle whose perimeter is 27!
Hopefully my other classes shouldn't be too bad. Let's see... I'm taking Drama, Adv. Hon. English II, Adv. Hon. Chemisty, Adv. Hon. Algebra II, AP US History, and Hon. Latin II. Why must I be smart? This is going to suck. Anyone who could possible find school fun and easy is either in classes way under their lever or just plain insane! The summers are no way long enough for my to get everything done. At least I will have soccer, tennis, and Model UN to add on to my stress, but at least providing some fun. lol. I am packed.
Well... if anyone else would like to vent their stress on my site please do so. It feels much better once you see it written before you. Have a nice day :)


Dana Yo

June 29 2005


June 29 2005
GOODNESS, DANA!!!!!!!!! Loading up on hard classes this year?!?!?!?!