Clint Nadeau




A Wedding, Friends, Pottery, and Chocolate.

October 03 2005

photo from clint

Saturday started out slow because I was tired from the Echosflow show the night before. But now it's time to boogie down for Chris's wedding. All you need for a wedding are a bride, groom, mountain dew, a pewter Florida Gator key chain, and some checkered Vans.

photo from clint

That's Will Smith on the left, my bestfriend in the middle, and what happens when one doesn't believe in combs on the right.

photo from clint

After the Chris and Emily's wedding Rachel, me and Trevor and Keva Atwood went on a double date to Fire it Up to paint the jokes guys. I had a blast. This is Rachel putting the final touches on the plate she painted for "Baby Julio."

photo from clint
After we painted pottery we went to The Melting Pot for dessert. That chocolate is so good I could bath in it!!!!

photo from clint
Speaking of chocolate here's Trevor thinking about bathing in chocolate.

Garrett Haynes

October 03 2005
OOOOh so it has a name now? Baby Julio! haha. Don't worry Clint, i've been to a pottery painting place before. So don't feel like it takes away all of your manliness hahaha.


October 03 2005
Mmmm... chocolate. Where's Fire It Up at? Painting pottery is the only visual art form (aside from photography) I'm actually fairly good at. Baby Julio... my goodness... not again...