a moment of bragging...

November 26 2005
ok, so i'm going to brag for a moment 
i have started working out and it's been about 3 weeks now....and i
have lost a total of 7 pounds!! and not only that, but i am running
further and further everyday and for somebody who didn't used to be
able to run for even 3 minutes that's a big step! my new goal is to run
for 2 miles without walking or anything. well, today i ran for 1.8
miles!! 24 minutes straight! now, i know this is a slow 1.8 miles, but
still! AND i did this all without my asthma inhaler. which i have never
done before. i usually get an asthma attack after 5 minutes. which only
means that my cardiovascular system is improving! yay!!! so, hopefully
sometime next week i'll be able to hit 2 miles and can start aiming for
2 and a half! woohoo! i'm so proud of myself! spring break, here i

Meagan Wright

November 26 2005
YAY for you! I am SOOOO proud of you, I KNOW just how hard it is to keep that us! Now if you'll just call me when you're going and make me go I'll kiss your feet! And ditto on getting together, we could cook here too if we wanted, although there's probably more room at your apt. But I have no roomies :) Anyway whenever, let me know. I'll be around. Love you chicka! P.S. Yes you are how I remembered!

Lacy Evans

November 26 2005
That's awesome! Keep it up!

Bethany Bratcher

November 27 2005
I am so proud of you, Carla! As a person who has struggled with having a routine workout and running for long periods of time, I feel your pain! You are an inspiration! Keep up the good work!