A to Z

November 01 2005

A - Age of your first kiss: 20
B - Band you are listening to right now: Damien Rice
C - Crush: i don't know if i have one...
D - Drink you drank last: water
E - Easiest person to talk to: Megan
F - Favorite ice cream: mmm....birthday cake :)
G - Gummy worms or gummy bears?: worms baby!
H - Height: 5'1"
I - Imaginary friend as a kid: i don't think i had one...
J - Junk food: anything? i live for junkfood!
K- Kindergarten teacher's name: Mrs. Boatwright!
L - Longest car/bus ride: either NYC or Sherman, TX...i think they were about the same!
M - Mom's name: Waldean
N- Nickname: car, carlie, the gremlin ;)
O - One wish:  to make it in opera!
P - Phobia: stinging insects!
Q - Quote: "It was the week of enormous amounts of sex!" ~a KD lady ;)
R - Reason to smile: my friends
S - Some Random Fact:  Long Island Ice Tea has the most calories out of any other mixed drink
T - Talk about: eh?
- Unknown fact about me: not much about me is unknown....i like to play
with satin under my fingernails but just about everybody who knows me
knows that!
V - Vegetable: POTATOES! they count right?
W - Worst Habit: did i mention that satin thing?
X - X-rays you've had: umm...lots
Y- Years you have been in church: 15 or 16
Z - Zodiac sign: Aries