picture time!

July 20 2005

photo from blue_lips

photo from blue_lips
everyone at Emily's party

photo from blue_lips
Emily's homemade cookie cake

photo from blue_lips
Carrie, Luca, and Chelsey

photo from blue_lips
Emily's finally 15!!

photo from blue_lips
me and Erica

photo from blue_lips
the birthday girl watching Swimfan.

haha Emily's party was amazing. swimming in the rain and "singing" along to Camp. i ate SO much there. i don't think i'm going to be eating for a while :P

so i FINALLY finished Harry Potter at 3am Tuesday morning. i didn't cry, possibly because i read ahead and knew who was going to die. i was giddy with excitement about who hooked up. *sigh* they made a cute couple i think :)

am i a horrible person? all of the sudden i'm feeling like i'm this totally selfish dare i say witchy person that's not me and i hate it, but for some reason i can't control it. i don't think i'm doing anything wrong and then people bring what i do to my attention and i feel like the most downright horrible person ever.

i've been treating some certain people like dirt and they don't deserve it. so from now on i'm going to make a more conscious effort to be a better person.

i love all of you and i hope you know it :)


July 20 2005
aww KC, you aren't a horrible person at all. Sometimes you have to take what people say with a "grain of salt" because you never know...they could be having a bad day or something and anything could upset them, lol I've learned that. But don't ever think you're a horrible person...you're awesome because you're KC :) N