
June 26 2005
i'm not sure i've ever been this tired in my life. perhaps after band camp or something, but after a week of getting 5 hours of sleep each night, i'm exhausted. i'm sure it's way worse for the roadies and counselors and youth ministers.

i've had so much fun with my new phone. it's a camera phone so i've been taking pictures of people and then getting them to call me so their picture pops up. it makes me giggle XD

i start driver's ed on tuesday. should be fun, but it seems like its messing up my social life because i can't spend the night with anyone because it's so early in the morning. at least i get the afternoons off.

my neighbors went away and i'm house/petsitting and i'm gonna make some sweet moolah.

i can't wait to get my computer back and put my Impact pics on here. *squee* they are amazing.


June 27 2005
Camera phone?!?!?! NICE!!!! Well, I think we need to get some ppl together and do something with alyssa b4 she goes. Have any ideas??? If you're to tired then forget what i said. k? well i hope you get more sleep....