what the cow?!?!?!?

July 06 2006
why can't the people that you want to go away and stay away actually do it????


July 06 2006
because that would make you happy....although i think if they saw that picture of you they might volunteer to go away


July 06 2006
....i have NO IDEA.....


July 07 2006
i love the way that you've always got a photo for every emotion, lol


July 07 2006
well the picture was EXACTLY how i FELT at the moment of posting and since i just found once again that this certain person is REFUSING to either SHUT UP or GO AWAY happens to be how i'm feeling at the moment


July 07 2006
and yes jenny, i do try

Jessica Jo

July 12 2006
Hmmm...I like this post actually. Some people that you really really want to go away do....eventually. You just have to give them a huge hint...like a swift kick in the behind. ;-) Hope all is well with you.