Singles Awareness Day is quickly approaching!!!!

February 11 2006

presenting the girls of the BCM

out to celebrate Singles Awareness Day at DQ!

this time we were smart and brought our own spoons!
the little plastic ones don't work too well

our tongues were green but you can't really tell...

julie, jenna marie, lindsey, and kimberleia

Amber, Lauren,  and Carrie

Me and Jessica

the cake was awsome, but not as awesome as my girls!!!

cause they are WAY more fun then boys!

Chris Jensen

February 12 2006
it was not meant to be anywhere near five hours.


February 12 2006


February 12 2006
Ooo tell me about Single Awareness day and where I can get info and a teddy bear like that one....? Cause my friends need a good reminder its okay to be single.