more about my break

January 20 2006

this is the sullivan party with my wonderful brian!
he's such a sweetie!

toshia played with  my hair at the sullivan party!

it made me very HAPPY!
so i got to see lots of old friends - make new ones

and send an interesting one far far away to the beautiful island
of Hawaii to see what God has for him there

i went to visit my grandmother in east tn and met some new cousins that i didn't know exsited (that happens all the time in my family)
this picture is my new-found cousin Rachael, her mom, my grandmother, me and, mom

one of the parts of visiting grandma is seeing how fat the dog has gotten
you never think it can get fatter- but it does
this is my wonderful little cousin micah- i call it
the attack of the micah

this is
attacking the micah
(he's finally realized that girls have cooties and that i am a girl)

i did lots of fun shopping

i spent time in the laundromat washing the amazingly drirty dorm rugs that traveled home with me

i played some pool in the basement

got some love off my bro and my wonderful family

and of course got to spend time at my home church!
k - so that is most of my break through pictures (at least for now!)
hope your break was as wonderful as mine!


January 20 2006
that dog is incredible... i would roll him around!