Keele Coggins


Relationship Status




Pondering late nite: Take Uno

December 01 2006

I have another troubling** complex.. Men.. (which are really boys in grownup bodies). I always wonder why they like toying with you. Emotionally. Physically (that sometimes can be fun hehehe 9:) ). Mentally.

I just don’t understand why people like to mess with you on that level. Especially when they know that you are a trusting person and they just fuck with you until you want to quit. Until you cant take it anymore and want to bust the fuck out (in a relationship I have never been to that extreme but with people sometimes I wish crime was legal for 5 minutes).

Sometimes I also consider that it is my fault as well. Because I like to mess back and I also provoke some shit that happened like 3 months ago just to see the other mad. I don’t know why I like to make people annoyed…. Ohhh yeh I do it started with “The Man” a.k.a. “Super F”. He would get so cute when he was mad/ annoyed. It made me purr. He was sexy when he was mad…. Oooh and when we’d fight… then came the make up sex =^__^= MEEEOWW!!

Okok I think now we have found the root of the problem: ME. Now I don’t even know why I started this rant..

Peace and heart.



*_^ *_^ *_^ *_^ *_^ *_^ *_^ *_^ *_^ *_^

Men are still little boys!!!

Date: 11-26-06   Time: 8:06 pm

