Keele Coggins


Relationship Status





December 01 2006

I just don’t understand why people have to be non-listening? Why is it? Do they figure that they know everything that there is to know about certain things? Shit I don’t think so. See I have a friend that has been a great friend to me ever since we have been amigas (which has been a while but that’s a different story). All I’m trying to do is be a good friend and she isn’t letting me. Ok I think it would be better if I explain the situation just a little bit…. Ok long story short…

She got pregnant by a nameless man (we will dub him “Sperm Donor”). They decided with the council of her mother (I think I‘m not to sure about that part) to get married for the sake of the unborn babe. Then they are together for 2 year with the ups and downs of a married couple. Duuur-dur-duur! All is happy go lucky… whoopee whoopee. I know this chick for about (guesstamation here) 7 months and she starts talk about how Sperm Donor is starting to change… not acting the way that he used to-- all sweet then just to blah (like I mentioned before my then boyfriend was acting the same way). Don’t you hate it when people change for the bad? Anywho she was feeling distant from him… I think that brings us up to date.

Lol! That was a “long story short”. I got a little carried away. q---^__^---p Hug to make up for it?

Well they were arguing a lot about money… well mostly how she was spending “his” money. à Iono what that’s got to do with anything.

Well she left him cuz she told him her true feelings. I thought he was going to flip out but she said he didn’t (I heart her like a sister and if he ever EVER raises a hand to her I will WILL cut his dick off and feed it to him between 2 slices of rye bread). She said that he started beating himself then started talking crazy to her (i.e. “when I first knew that you were pregnant I was going to leave you”). I was like: >:O!! Then I was like: >=| grrrrrrr!! But what can you do? She was doing bueno for herself… got another job and was talking to another man. Life was going good… until people started to get in her head. Once again long story short…

She’s with a man she don’t love to make the “right” decision for the son. But I tried to tell her that it isn’t in the long run. Plus Sperm Donor thinks he has control over her because she can back to him. And I can sense something is going to happen my feels are usually (96%) not wrong especially when it comes to something bad. I DONT want anything to happen to her or the boy. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in a 10 x 5 cell counting days till evaluation day. But if I have to I will. That motherfucker won’t see another day. Oh shit my blood pressure is up. I need to calm down.

Shit people need to listen to advice… Yes yes yes I know that there is a lot of bad advice but most of its good. But what’s the point of making a relationship work when you aren’t happy and there only a one sided love?

Shit people need to listen to advice… Yes yes yes I know that there is a lot of bad advice but most of its good. But what’s the point of making a relationship work when you aren’t happy and there only a one sided love?

Well enough of this… I will just sit back and watch this unfold. And when what I have predicted happens I will stand by as “the good friend”.

Peace up A-town down (even though I‘m not from there or been there. I like to say that).

<3 Keele


Date: 11-26-06   Time: 1:14 am

