
July 28 2006

 just a little chat room fun!

Danny: I can't wait to feel a rifle's touch again
Stephanie: but first
Holly: ahahahaha!
Stephanie: ur going to give me
Stephanie: my cd back
Danny: don't interupt my dream sequence
Milly: lol
Stephanie: then
Milly: gohs!
Milly: gosh*
Stephanie: give me my cd back
Danny: "and the clouds opened up
Stephanie: I WANT MY CD
Danny: and God placed a rifle in Danny's hands
Stephanie: lol
Stephanie: thats so corny
Danny: and he said, 'Spin, my son.'
Holly: i totally think i just dootied in my pants.
Danny: and Stephanie came from Hell
Danny: and she demanded her CD


July 29 2006
hooray for band chats