Tyler H.



Siegel High School

Favorite Books


tyler+broken glass=#$%!

September 28 2005
well, im not at school today, because i have a big hole in my finger. So i was about to hit the sack last night, washing a few dishes, and i drop a cup into the sink, and it breaks. I dont know why, but I reflexely went to grap it, only to grap the sharp broken edge. I cut not only the tendon to move the last section of my ring finger, but the nerve ending as well. My mom took me to the emergency room at 12:30 AM, only to sit and wait for 1 HOUR before they helpled me. So i cant move or feel the last part of my ring finger. Today, i scheduled to see a hand surgeon, to find when it needs to be operated upon.

ISNT THAT THE BEST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN TO ME RIGHT NOW????? *$#766%5#78798)*%^$&*&*(&#$!#$%^&

im trying not to flip out, see how i can hardly play my drums, right in the middle of competition season.

Nathan Moore

September 28 2005
is it hurting to type? just curious... does not sound like fun at all...

Kylie Boy

September 28 2005
Aww, I heart you!

Sara Read

September 28 2005
i heard about that. i'm sorry. but hey, i know never to reach into a sink if i drop a cup into it. thank you for that valuable life lesson.

Sarah Vermillion

September 28 2005
Holy crap. 0.o That's awful. *good drum-playing juju and hand-get-better juju for Tyler*

Katie Schneider

September 28 2005
Im so sorry tyler. But i know youll get better soon cuz youll make yourself. Youre just that kind of person. Plus, youll have your baby Daisy there to help you and so you can think of me! I love you!!!!

Kelly Jo

September 30 2005
i heart you tyler!!!!!! i'll make you some cookies so you can get better extra super fast : )

Jane Woodard

September 30 2005
poor thing :( that really stinks, i'm sorry... that's ok, who needs two hands to play drums anyways, right? you could kick butt with just one