Am i a bad person....

March 31 2006
- It seems i can't get anything right, no matter what i do people always get hurt... theres no making people happy.

- And yes i have heard it a million times.... don't worry bout other
people, just make yourself happy... but it's like everyone's always
upset with me, at me, or about me.... AR!

I feel so lost.
I've been shaking.
You can't save me.

No on can..

-Ok this post sounds self centered/ egotistical but i don't mean it like that at all....

New Nickname

March 30 2006
Ross (DePriest) gave me a new nickname last night when we were all out to eat after church with the college and career group and now alot of the guys are calling me it......
   - Can you guess what it is?


FAKE-N-BAKE........ ::JERKS!!:: (this is what the tanning bed has done to me.... lol )


March 16 2006
people ask me if i believe in forever
and i can't help but sit back and laugh
because with the way my life's going ;;
i dont even believe in tomorrow

I want to die sometimes...

March 07 2006
sometimes i just want to die
so i can look down
and see whos
crying or who is smiling

I was ripping up an old photoe

March 06 2006

So, we only take pictures of the things we wish not to forget right? so why when things come down to it, we find ourselves throwing them away or ripping them up? it's like we wish we could forget all the memories... is that possible? to forget? thank God memories fade, but if the memories those pictures we took hold such great memories, Why would we EVER want to get rid of them?

::Ponders quietly::

Take this quiz, only 10 questions how well do you know me?


March 02 2006
I have myself to blame
for the state I'm in today
and now dying
doesn't seem so cruel
               -kelly clarkson

Stop worrying about me...

February 16 2006
I smile till my face hurts and laugh until my throat burns.
I fake it.
This laugh, this smile, this -happiness- you see. I just want you to smile and not worry about me

I'm Afraid

February 15 2006

it's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance
it's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes a chance
it's the mind afraid of losing
that never learns to give, and
it's the soul afaid of dying
that never learns to live.


February 09 2006

What is Love?

Biggest lie of my life... "I'm Fine"

January 16 2006
Im a strong girl ` keeping everything in line
Even wit tears streamin down my cheek ,
I always manage to say the words " IM FINE"

life's CRAZY

December 08 2005
The truth is, I am lost in the past.
Lost in something so great...something I had 
..but dont have anymore.

Tired of searching

November 25 2005

Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it.

- Lewis Carroll

Giving up

November 01 2005

I give up:

- No more letting my wall down

- No more letting people in

- Maybe no more hurt


October 15 2005

 why is is that we bring on so much responsibility and overwhelming feelings that really don't hold much importance at all...