Quotes.... People... Memories...

April 08 2006

i wonder what you're thinking when you look at me and smile (Alot of People)

friends by heart
sisters by soul
quiet and shy? pshhh
try out of control (Sarah) & (Chels)

Sometimes you tell yourself the things you need to hear (Chesney tells me this on a DAILY basis)

i just can't take the silence
of knowing that you know how i feel
but not having a response (I'm sorry Tyler)

don't believe the hype
high school is not the best 4 years of your life (Well, humm 4 yrs.. the best let me think... YUP i got one... )

i guess what i like about you best is how you can make me laugh even if nothing's funny (Brian)

i tried snorting coke once.
but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose. (Kim Miller 8th grade year)

the people who know the least, always have the most to say (All the 'hoebag' rumors around thie ditrict)

partly cloudy with a
very high chance of drama (EVERYDAY of my life...)

do everything you want
and if it's something you'll regret in the morning
sleep in late (Nik)

conflict builds character.

crisis defines it (Abi)

be nice to everyone you meet.
they're facing battles you have no idea about. (Blake)

some things fall apart so that other things can come together (From Zach to Jeff <sarah>)

do you know what fine stands for? freaked out, insecure, neurotic, && emotional. (ha ha Tyler)

you are the only one who puts pink in my cheeks (ha ha Amanda <Blake>)

i'm as confused as a gangsta with a skateboard (Abby C.)