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November 15 2005

 So my day went really well and I just had a great day. I went to practice and kinda messed up my shoulder but thats ok. But as I sit here and think about what i could write one thing pops into my mind. Its kind of a spin of of what Garrett said on his phusebox but its something on my heart. Last night clint was telling us about this book that this guy wrote about his dream and how christians are in this battle and the funny thing is is that some christians are prisoners and yet they still have there shield of faith and sword of truth. How true that we (christians) have power over sin but yet we still fall and yet we never seem to conquer what needs to be conquered. But we go through our days and think about ourselves and how we can please our selfish self and there are so many people who are hurting and just want to be loved but yet we don't see and I guess its cause we don't wanna see. We don't wanna step out of our comfort zones and share the love of God with people. But back to sin and how we have power for anyone out there that doesn't know we have power of sin!!!!!!! we have victory!! but we don't use that in the BATTLE.. We let the enemy capture us with our swords and shields and we stand there and do nothing we have everything we need we just don't use it..

2 Timothy 1:7 "for God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline."

                                                 IN CHRIST john

katie boles

November 15 2005
whats up john?! well i hope u have a great day!!