I met Elizabeth!

March 20 2006

so on my way to 4th period i met the amazingly magical  (who has very cool taste ^^). how exciting! ^^

Rae and I went shopping but ended up buying only some Frappichinos from Starbucks)

we also rented Drop Dead Fred which is a magical movie

look! a pic of Drake from yesterday! (after his accident.... notice the only thing really different is the lil scar on his chin which is kinda hot... lol)
CA: World Premiere Of "Ice Age: The Meltfdown"

Kylie Boy

March 20 2006
yeah, it's kinda hot.


March 20 2006
heyness, it was great to finally meet u. i thought that u looked familier so i was like well, here goes nothin'. i'm so glad that i met u.

Maria Renee Rodriguez Jimon

March 20 2006
getting alittle obsessive with Josh? lol =P