
February 18 2006

I auditioned at MTSU today. It had itz ups and downs but overall, i think they liked me and i think i did pretty well ^^

last nite, i went to Rae's and showered and hung out and watched The Grudge *shudders* and then i was kinda spooked so Bos went w/ me to work and stayed with me.

here are some pics from Mom's 20 yr. award and last nite @ Rae's:

Mom getting her award from a Joel Grey look-a-like

my adorable mom in the snack line

Dad and Mom ^^ awwwwwwww!

Elissa and Rae after watching The Grudge

Elissa, Rae, and I doing our best Dwander smile

Elissa, Rae, and I          YEAAHHHH!!

Elissa                                       cutie

don't kno what i'm gonna do today... oh yeah... SNOW!