my aunt's grandpa had a friend by the name of Omar, the snake man lol

December 02 2005

so i just got back from my Grandmama's visitation. i saw some family there that i hadn't seen in like.... 10 years and some i'd never seen! but i've learned this about my mom's dad's side of the family: they're weird and hilarious!! lol
-"I'm 53!"
-"Well, I'm 59!"

haha and now i see that my mom looked like Chris Farley when she was a lil chubby kid lol i am very entertained... lol

well, i gotta go and get ready for the Girls sleepover @ ML's! ^^ ciao!

Maria Renee Rodriguez Jimon

December 03 2005
i got the photo by magic!!! u kno me.....always finding the koo!!!